New Moms,
Here is my best advice:
Allow others to help you and be specific about what you need.
Realize your mind and body are going through a lot. It can take up to two or more years to feel normal again after having a baby! Breastfeeding; broken sleep; responding to a little person’s EVERY need, etc. takes a major toll on you! People tend to think that “it’s” over once the baby is delivered but I’m here to say that “it” is only just beginning once the baby is delivered….”the struggle” that is. There’s so much that we struggle with after having a baby. Every one of us struggles in some facet after having a baby.
Find age-appropriate ways to have your other children assist you.

Don’t pressure yourself to do everything perfectly. Just do the best you can without overwhelming yourself.
Don’t deprive yourself of proper nutrition. Keep lots of fruits and veggies on hand.

Get comfortable with saying “no” to things you are unable to do because of your new responsibilities. Those that truly love you will understand.
Make online shopping such as Amazon, your best friend.
Lastly, remember that you are truly AMAZING!!!!

With Love from, A Frantic Mom 💜