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5 Simple Ways To Keep Your Car Clean With Kids!

So how do you keep your car clean with 2, 3, 4, kids in tow each day?

1. I know we have to feed our kids on the go and when we allow our kids to eat in our car it can be disastrous! However, there are some things you can do. Select foods that can be eaten easily and that are not messy. Chicken nuggets are the best example. The key is to give them to your children without the dipping sauce. Nuggets don’t have to have sauce to be good and the kids can wash the nuggets down with water.

2. Gather and throw away trash just about every time you get out of your car. Do it before going into your workplace or before going into Walmart or the grocery store. They have trash cans in front of the store.

Now ladies, i’m not talking about doing a deep cleaning of your car at Walmart. Don’t throw books, boxes or whatever other large items you’ve been hauling around for ages into the storefront trash can. I just mean the everyday stuff like napkins and papers.

3. Keep a few plastic bags in the pockets behind your two front seats for trash and make it a point for your kids to utilize them. Throw the trash away according to number 2 above.

4. Don’t make your car a gathering point for food receipts, junk mail and other things. Purge these items frequently. Your center console and door pockets will pile up with mail and papers before you know it if you’re not careful.

5. Vacuum your car when you go to fill up on gas. This will only take you a few minutes and after employing the other tips above, you should not need to vacuum as often.

Once you start engaging in these 5 activities, they will become an effortless, impactful routine. Ladies the goal is to keep every space you spend a considerable amount of time in clean because it has a profound impact on your overall mood and wellbeing. We spend a great deal of our day in our cars so let’s keep them clean!

Until next time ladies….A Frantic Mom 💚

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