Hi Blog Family!
I found this wonderful dish in the photo on Pinterest and I will be making it within the next few days so I thought I’d share it with you and challenge you to make it or a similar dish and send me a picture of your final dish at afranticmom@yahoo.com and I will post your picture under this blog post if you would like.
It’s simple. Brown your chicken breast and cut it. Put lettuce on a plate. Cut your avocados, tomatoes and onions and arrange them beautifully atop the lettuce. Sprinkle crumbled cheese on everything. Sprinkle basil over everything to make it a gourmet meal 😊. And my lovely folks, you have a healthy beautiful meal.
Don’t forget a dash of salad dressing 😋!
Below is a photo of my creation. I took the picture before adding the tomatoes 🍅 and I added apples 🍎!
